Autonomous Agents

Everything here, unless otherwise noted, is under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, links to and motivation for which you can read here. You may also notice use of the Studio LAB logo, which I've written an explanation about here.

Just like with cellular automata, these projects followed emergent properties of the system after programming the behavior of a single unit.

For the first two videos, the agents are following "flow fields," which influence them to go in a partcular direction given where the agent is.
Read the code here.

For the next two, I have 'spokes' radiating outwards that. In addition to following a "flow field," the agents are also repulsed by each other when they get closer.
Read the code here.

This last one is interactive. You can see this pre-recording of me interacting with it, as well as what the final image might look like.
Read the code here.